Sunday, 7 August 2011

sunday evening


... let's just say I sat on a stool on a paving stone in the general vicinity of what will become my lovely new seating area, and leave it at that, shall we?

No point aiming for perfection I say!

sunday morning

Generally Sunday mornings in this house are pretty lazy. Breakfast in bed, perhaps a call to or from a friend to suggest meeting up for lunch, then a mid morning, mid afternoon trip to a cafe, or a friend's house, to drink tea and while away a few hours nattering and plotting.

Today I woke relatively early, and sneaked downstairs. The house was pretty tidy, which is rather unusual, but felt good.

We don't have much of a view from our kitchen, and the sun only hits the window early in the morning, and I often miss it. Today I didn't.

It feels like a day for an adventures.

Getting-things-done adventures, these, though. Doing-of-things-that-have-been-hitherto-put-off adventures.

I've been inspired this morning, in a roundabout kind of a way, by a lovely friend who I met through the internet, and who I've only spoken to once in real life, over several cups of tea in a cheery little cafe (of course) at the seaside. I ambled over the fence to her blog over breakfast, and found this beautiful post, talking about following your dreams, in which, right there at the end, she says this cheery little blog is inspirational. I'm blushing! How utterly wonderful, and what a lovely thing to wake up to!

So I figured I'd best get on and do something inspirational, if you can call digging holes and visiting the DIY shop inspirational, that is, or else I'll be thought of as a fraud!

And so, my tea is in hand, my wellies are on, and I'm heading out into the garden to level the soil, ready for laying my pavings. I've not eaten Sunday breakfast out there, but I very much intend to eat my tea sat on that patio later this evening.

(of course, that involves a trip to the garden centre, laying pavings, building a fence and numerous other things, so we'll see, but that's my intention!)

There's also bikes to fix, and presents to make and wrap (just in case you thought it was turning into a little bit too much of a building site round here).

Progress report, with photos, later....

Monday, 1 August 2011

on saturday I drove to Wales...

... I very nearly didn't, because I'd spent all week dashing about the country on trains, and I really didn't feel like doing more dashing.

However, sometimes you just have to, because you know that when you get there, you'll appreciate having made the effort.

And when I lay in the back of the car with the door open, looking out on this (slightly murky, I admit) view, I knew I'd made the right decision.

Bizarrely, the only other photograph I took all weekend were of breakfast.

Strange, that.

Today has been altogether more mundane - a working at home day, with a short break in the middle for shifting a load of soil over that there hand-built wall.

'it'll only take you 5 minutes to shift that lot love' said the driver, as he drove off.

I should have given him a spade.

Needless to say, it took two of us a fair bit longer than 5 minutes, but it's all in place now (good job as it was blocking half the road). I'm planning to eat my breakfast outside on Sunday morning - think I'll make it??